How to make change happen in teams?
Reach successful team transformations with trust-building, clear roles, empowered accountability, and effective communication. Discover proven strategies for sustainable change in teams.
Taking The Time to Think
We often hear about how important it is to take some time to think. When working with the Leaders I coach, I have realized even more how beneficial this seemingly simple act is. They are all very busy, and finding a neutral-thinking partner is often difficult, particularly in very senior roles. So what happens when you actually take the time to think?
Don’t throw away your life-saving device
Imagine that you are in a boat and the waves get rough – what would you do? Would you throw away your life vest, the oars, or the bucket that you could use to empty the water coming in? Probably not. Yet this is what many of us do at work, when we are facing difficulties.
The wisdom of groups
I continue to be impressed by the wisdom of groups. I marvel at how much insight you can get out of just listening, asking questions, and thinking in a group. It can shed a completely different light on an issue, help understand different perspectives and make you feel supported.
Working virtually with energy and inspiration
In the current COVID-19 related situation, where many of us are working from home, even those who are used to it find it challenging. As Stanford Professor Nicholas Bloom writes in his article about productivity pitfalls at home, the circumstances this time are quite different from normal remote working.