Big Five Personality Profiling

Learn how your personality affects your energy at work
  Knowing yourself is the first step

How can knowing your personality help you at work?

People do their best work in environments and tasks that suit their personality. We also accomplish more as individuals and teams in organisations that know how to take into account and benefit from differences in personality. Our personality traits impact the energy we have for different activities. Knowing yourself is the first step in finding satisfaction and growth at work. 


What is the WorkPlace Big Five™ personality assessment?

Validated by research

The WorkPlace Big Five™ personality assessment is based on more than 30 years of research, and is based on the recognised and validated Big Five model to assess personality. It is specifically applied to work, using clear and concise language that fits the workplace.

Understand how personality affects energy

We all have our unique personality traits that will potentially help us in our work but may also pose challenges to us. Knowing our personality helps us to manage our energy to feel better and be more productive at work.

Helping teams develop

Profiling a team will help them understand each other better, contributing to psychological safety in the team. It will also help the team communicate better and identify their strengths and development areas.

Are you a coach/consultant/HR professional and want to use the assessment ?

Would you like to use the WorkPlace Big Five™ in your own work? We organise certification programs in English and in French. Please contact us for more information and next available dates.

Case study Big Five Personality

The profiling of a whole team in a growing service company helped the older members to better understand each other, and the new members to get to know the others and come onboard
more quickly. What the exercises also highlighted were some significant differences between some pairs who had to work together and had some frictions. The profiling helped to understand where the frictions were coming from and how to work on them.

“When we as a management team decided to do this profiling exercise, I thought it would be a fun exercise to discover some of our differences. But I was very surprised by the depth of the tool and the insights the analysis yielded to us as a team, but also to each individual. It also highlighted early on the differences some new members had with their experienced counterparts, which allowed us to pay more attention to building the relationships and organising our work accordingly, instead of waiting for the first conflict to arise and trying to fix it then.”

The management team of a not for profit organisation

“We use WorkPlace BigFive assessment at different stages: as a recruitment tool for higher positions, as part of onboarding for all employees, and in team coaching. Particularly in teams, it is useful for everyone to get to know each other and understand why someone behaves and acts the way they do. We look at strenghts of the team (where the most energy is) and openly discuss the implications in daily work. It creates awareness, acceptance and helps to build a strong company culture.”

Lea Weyermann Lozar

Head of HR & internal Team & Leadership Coach at Sensopro AG

“I am using the WorkPlace Big 5 Profile mostly in 3 different situations:

a) The client is looking for a new orientation in life.
b) Clients want to understand better why some situations and tasks are difficult and others are easier to deal with.
c) Profiling candidates for a job position.
I love the WorkPlace Big Five because it is not time consuming for the client (max. 15 mins to complete) and it gives very insightful results.  And it is neutral when you debrief it with the client. You, as the expert, and the client sees where they gain energy and where they lose energy. It is not about good or not good.
Plus with a certain experience you can see very quickly what difficulties the client with such a profile could have in a certain job or in life or what is really easy for them. The results are not only relevant in a managing position but also in general in life.”
Alexandra Fay


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